Just Another Review, Eh? (New York Times 11/30/2020)

Try this puzzle here first! (NYT subscription required)

For so many of us the work starts today, and with Christmas rapidly approaching that means stress on top of stress. Why not take a few minutes out of your busy schedule, sit down with nice cup of (Tim Hortons?) coffee, relax, and do today's New York Times Crossword constructed by Emma Craven-Matthews? For a time of year that can turn your hair gray... or make what's left of it fall out entirely, there's a certain comfort in doing an easy, light-hearted crossword puzzle to get your day started on the right foot.

 Today's theme focuses on the nation of Canada. With country specific clues featuring everyone's favorite sticky breakfast condiment, a hockey team, and the citizenry-at-large's propensity for apologizing, this puzzle was enjoyable for me on two levels. First and foremost, it was well constructed with enough easy clues to get even novice solvers started. But it also sprinkled in a few common words clued in interesting ways so even to veteran solvers could learn something new. Secondly, with family from Canada myself, I felt a certain personal connection to this puzzle that may be skewing my critical eye behind rose-colored glasses.

Your mileage may vary.

Getting started, the first two clues are gimmes with 1A "Hell ___ no fury..." and 5A "Shout from Scrooge" which solve to HATH and BAH respectively. The only thing keeping the top row from being a sweep is 8A "Capital of 71-Across" which cannot be answered until you've tackled one of the starred theme clues. The first of which comes up at 18A "*Restaurant chain known for coffee and doughnuts." Living in the states, my first thought was DUNKINDONUTS, which of course 'America Runs on.' Seeing as it doesn't fit (and even with 'donuts' spelled differently from the clue, that's a no-no), I took a stab with TIMHORTONS which turned out to be right.

The very next clue at 20A is going on Instagram as the crossword clue-of-the-day. If you don't already, you can follow me there for daily clues from the NYT as well as a bonus puzzle (usually the USAToday or an indie constructor's creation!). Clued as "Classic fund-raising event" this 'sweet' clue solved to BAKESALE.

The vertical clues were rife with short answers sure to be familiar to daily solvers with CON, OVA, ENE, and RAY all making an appearance. Spanish is used twice in the down clues: first at 8D  ... OSO ... and again at 30D "Spanish uncle" ... TIO. I greatly appreciate Spanish language clues as opposed to the more popular French. I speak French about as well as I levitate, which is to say, poorly. Rounding out the later vertical clues, recently departed SCOTUS justice RBG is clued at 60D asking solvers for her first name ... RUTH.

While there are only four themed, or starred (*), clues in today's puzzle, Canada makes multiple appearances on this list. In the aforementioned crossword-ese answer ENE, clued as "Toronto-to-Montreal dir." as well as 38D "D.C. player, formerly a Montreal Exp" ... NAT. Toronto is mentioned again at 63D "N.Y. airport with many flights to Toronto Pearson" ... LGA ... and a lone (and glum) call-out to Vancouver with 70A "Weather often associated with [...]" ... RAIN. CANADA itself is the answer to 71A, as being associated with the theme clues, and finally it's capital ... OTTAWA ... completes the grid in the northeast quadrant.

The themed clues come at 4D, 18A, 27D and 62A, forming a nifty square around the center of the grid. I feel like I'm missing a reference with that shape so if anyone sees it and wants to tell me, drop a comment. Being a Monday puzzle, the answers to the themed clues are simple, and might be what anyone with only a passing knowledge of our friends to north calls to mind. HOCKEYNIGHT, TIMHORTONS, SAYINGSORRY, and MAPLESYRUP being the answers to these clues. Certainly not a tax on one's gray matter today, but on a Monday, I think that's something we can all appreciate.

Speaking of taxing the ol' brain-bone, a few clues on this grid were of interesting note. 15A asks you to remember (or figure out) an aphorism credited to Hippocrates: ars longa, vita brevis. Or as clued, "Life is short and this is long" looking for the answer ART. For a short word clue on an easy day, this was a refreshing way of doing it. Another thinker of a clue came at 41A "Pepsi or Coke." Since DELICIOUS wouldn't fit in the five-cell space, I was torn between COLAS or SODAS, and after filling in some down answers I wasn't in any better shape, leaving me with ?O?AS! Solving the crossings at 29D and 31D was the only way to get the correct answer, a technique I really appreciated since the clues were solid.

29D "Esoteric" ... ARCANE

31D "Word before system or power" ... SOLAR

I approach a Monday puzzle much the way I approach a bowl of my favorite cereal. I know what to expect, and I'm rarely let down. With that in mind, I do have one tiny gripe, and that is with the clue at 8D looking for ... OSO. Clued as "Bear, in un zoologico." I think the constructor should either go all Spanish: "Bear, en un zoologico" or opt for the briefer "Bear: Spa." It's a small nitpick, but I have my opinions, and I won't apologize for them.

 Okay, maybe I will.

 Sorry 'aboot' that that, eh!

Did you enjoy today's puzzle? What was your favorite clue? Let me know in the comments below and have a great start to the week!

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